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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fever 1795 by Laurie Halse Anderson

This is a great story about how one young girl survives the yellow fever epidemic during the time of America's Revolution. It's adverturesome and heart-wrenching.

See a book preview:
Fever 1793

See a documentary on the same subject:
Fever - 1793: Historic Philadelphia Documentary

Read the book:
(Look in your LIBRARY:  Fic AND)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

This is a fun story about a sad subject.  A young Native American boy tries to overcome the hopelessness of growing up--and getting educated--while living on a reservation.  It's partially-biographical for the author, Sherman Alexie.

Logan's Run by Wm. F. Nolan and Geo. Clayton Johnson

This is an early post-apocalyptic, dystopic story--written in 1967. 

In a re-built society of the future, people are only allowed to live until they turn 21 years old.  At that time--Lastday--an implant in the palm--a plam flower--flashes red; and the 21-year-old must report to a Sleepshop to be "recycled" (killed). If one flees, a Sandman will track down that fugitive and kill him.  

What happens when a Sandman decides to run?